Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Leutwyler Stubbornness

Leutwyler stubbornness, that is what this little girl has. I think she is enjoying causing me to be miserable. I am still having contractions, late this afternoon and tonight they have been between 10-15 minutes apart still. My stomach muscles hurt so bad, my back hurts and my calf muscles hurt from all of the charlie horses I have been having and I am exhausted. I am so ready to be through with this part of things. A lot of my family is saying she is waiting to be born on my birthday, which is Friday. I hope she comes very very soon, even if that means we end up sharing a birthday. I don't think I can handle this for two more weeks when my induction is scheduled. Sorry for the whine fest, anyone have some cheese they can spare??? So, anyway, still no baby, please keep us in your prayers, I could use some right about now.


Kelly said...

so sorry you feel cruddy...just remember this will totally pass, you can't be pregnant forever : ) Feel free to whine anytime you want : )

Justin and Keri said...

I think that there are two times in life when you are allowed to whine, and I think the last trimester of pregnancy is one of those times. Leutwyler stubborness, huh? No Fickel stubborness? I think I'm going to have to get your Mom's take on that ;)
Still praying for comfort :) Love you.

Kelly said...

just checking are you??