Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is it!!!!

Okay, so I went to the doctor this afternoon and Rayleigh will be here tomorrow!!! I went in and was 4cm dialated. He asked about my contractions so I informed him of how many and often I have been having them. We decided to strip my membranes to try to give my body a little help. He told me I could have contractions right away and if I didnt have her tonight I could go to the ER at anytime as they would not turn me away. By the time I got home the doctor had called my house and told my mom if I did not have her tonight that I need to come in tomorrow morning after 7am and L&D would be waiting for me. He doesnt think it would take much of anything for me to have her, if he had to he would break my water and that is all it would take. So, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, Rayleigh will be here by tomorrow!!! Yeah, I am so ready and so excited!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

YEAH!!!! I'm so may already have her even now : ) Praying for you, I have no fear, you will have miss Rayleigh quickly...I was remembering when Kaleb was born! Let us know. Love yall. I'm so glad your mom is there to help.